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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Marshmallow root improved my IBS symptoms IMMEDIATELY – get on it!

Like many of you, I have trouble digesting about a million different foods. Aside from cutting out wheat and dairy and beans and onions and garlic and legumes and… [*she bangs her head on keyboard and passes out*], nothing I’ve tried has improved my symptoms. Unless I follow a STRICT low-FODMAP diet, I. Get. Painfully. Bloated. From. Every. F’ing. FOOD. And even when I go low-FODMAP, I often get stomach pain/bloating. For me, it’s like food=poison, and that is a major pain in my ass. 

I’ve tried every cure out there. Bone broth isn’t making any notable difference in my symptoms. I did L-Glutamine for a while ‘til I realized I was allergic to it (don’t go near that stuff if you have an MSG allergy). Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (I can’t believe I can spell that) does nothing for me. I hydrate constantly, I take probiotics, digestive enzymes, blah blah blah.

And then came the marshmallow. I’d heard that marshmallow root could also ease IBS symptoms (, but since NOTHING else worked for me I blew off the idea of trying marshmallow for a long time. Then a few weeks ago, infuriated by the chronic pain, I huffed my way to the herbalist and bought some powdered marshmallow root. She told me to mix a spoonful with a cup of water, let it sit for 5 minutes so that the powder could get all gooey, and then drink it down. And I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I experienced an IMMEDIATE difference. Each morning for the past 3 weeks I have drunk down a cup of gloppy marshmallow water (which, by the way, has very little taste at all), and each day thereafter I have had no stomach pain.

Apparently, marshmallow root helps to soothe and repair the gut lining. There haven’t been too many studies exploring this interaction, but one study recently confirmed that marshmallow eased irritated mucous membranes (

Now, it’s not like I’m suddenly eating bread and cheese and experiencing no stomach pain. I still avoid ALL high-FODMAP foods. If I break that pattern I’m back in bed clutching my tummy. I still can’t eat broccoli and hummus and all the other high-FODMAP foods that piss off my lower gut. But before the marshmallow, even low-FODMAP foods were giving me some pain/bloating. So, for me, this is a major quality of life improvement. At least I can eat food without feeling like I’ve poisoned myself.

I’m telling you, this marshmallow root thing is AMAZING. You should try it.  


  1. Oh man, I hate that BLOAT! No one understands unless they've experienced watching their stomach growing (painfully) before their eyes. I'm going to look into this!

  2. Hi Laura, thanks so much for posting this. My IBS has been progressively getting worse over the years. First gluten, than dairy, than...everything! It has been as bad lately as you are describing it above and have tried everything as well, no relief. In my 20's I had interstitial cystitis. Marshmallow root tea has literally cured this chronic illness for me. Based on your blog post, I'm going to give marshmallow root a try again, with hopes that it will help me again. Please share if anything else worked for you since you wrote this original post.

    1. So glad you're going to try marshmallow again! I haven't used marshmallow root in over a year but you've reminded me that I want to get on it again for a while. Thanks! And good luck - I hope your symptoms improve.

  3. Have you tried it in capsule form? I've been suffering for so long and would love to know which method works better.

    1. I haven't used the capsules, but if you do, I'm curious whether it works for you. Let me know!

  4. Hi, just found this thread, as I am taking the capsules, also for interstial cystitis for which it is a miracle cure. I have always had painful bloating with all brassicas, and was prepared for a painful evening after eating out last week. Nothing. Had some more offensive veg the following day. Nothing. Had no idea of the happy side effect of this amazing powder. Am now falling back in love with all the veg I had taught myself to despise for tens of years.

  5. That's awesome! Marshmallow root worked for me for a while but then it gradually had less and less curative/healing effect. I'll be curious to hear if it works for you long-term!

    1. How frustrating for you. I am going to go get some marshmallow root today and try it...I look 7 months pregnant. :( Have you found anything else that helps see the marshmallow is working less effectively? I hope so... It's so hard when our bodies don't work right...we try so hard only to have issues. The best of luck to you.

    2. That was supposed to say, have you found anything else that helps NOW THAT the marshmallow is working less effectively. :)

    3. I am so glad I found this blog. Jenny, I described how I look just like you do. Agonizing. Just got some marshmallow root powder off Amazon & am crossing fingers it helps. Laura, made your Chicken & Rice Caserole last night & it got rave reviews even from my kids! That's a keeper!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Hi Laura! Thanks so much for this blog post, I'm barley 20 and already suffer from IBS so its great to hear I'm not struggling alone. I have been doing some research today and came across marshmallow root which multiple blogs recommend but also licorice root. have you heard anything about it? if so, which would you recommend? Thanks!

    1. Hello! Yes, I tried licorice as well and it didn't do as much for me but I know some people have success with it. Sorry you're having food issues! It's such a bummer.

    2. I haven't tried it but this article says it can be effective for constipation-predominant IBS -

  8. I see it all over the place is tincture form, but it's hard to find in just pure powder form. :(

  9. A few people have asked about the capsule form of Marshmallow root. It works beautifully!!! I took 2 Marshmallow root capsules and 1 Slippery Elm capsules right before every meal for 30 days and my symptoms almost completely calmed down. Now I take it once a day, generally before dinner. Miracle herbs. They also work for gastritis ... inflammation of the stomach lining!

    1. Hi are you using Bicarbonate soda for stinging for IC whilst on Marshmallow root as Im in a flare for IC & IBS at the mo since last Sunday.

    2. I am in the same situation. Make sure to do marshmallow w food and baking soda 2 hours away from RX up to 2x a day for 2 weeks. This catches up to us doesn't it!

  10. Hi, Just wondering if marshmallow root continued to work for you. Currently trying to manage a first episode of IBS/IBD in my son (16). Thanks, P

  11. I’m about to make IBS friendly GUT HEALING VEGETABLE BROTH for my son (25) and will look into this root that helped u. Did it stop working for you completely? Next broth I will add it to the mix. Thanks for info. (I dislike Kanye too).

  12. What are the ingredients for your vegy gut healing soup,please?

  13. Fantastic Post! Lot of information is helpful in some or the other way. Keep updating marshmallow root powder

    1. Just try a cup of organic marshmallow root tea every day-much more palatable, and is effective. Some say to take it for 4 weeks, then go off for a week. Not sure if that’s really necessary if you are only drinking one cup a day, but not sure about that. The Celebration Herbals brand is a good choice, and is well priced. Buddha Teas brand is good too. Good luck to all.☘️
